Sunday, January 25, 2015

10, 11, & 12: Reading, Reading Some More, and Decluttering Continues

"He that loves reading
has everything within his reach." 
~ William Godwin

Don't worry. I haven't fallen off the ol' blog wagon wheel yet and I am still on track for not buying things from the shops! It's just been a busy weekend thus far. 

Friday I spent nearly all of my free time pulling out tons of miscellaneous items from closets and cabinets. I sorted, I organized and I bagged so much more for trash and donation than I thought possible. 

I've been paring down and cleaning up for a few years now. I've read nearly all the books and blogs on the topic because they give me motivation in addition to new ways of looking at not only my successes, but my failures. 

KonMari Method is the first that has taught me to ruthlessly throw away that which is not bringing pleasure, that is not useful and that I don't need regardless of when I purchased it. 

"But, but, I just bought that this year?" I wailed when I came across a metal shelving unit I had thought I needed to house my copious bathroom supplies. The problem with that shelf was that it made the bathroom dark, cluttered and a bit more cramped when it was already a matchbox sized room. The shelf was pretty, I admit that, but it did not bring me pleasure. Onto the donate pile it went!

That pile is in my downstairs closet. And it keeps growing. 

And growing

And growing.

I love it. 

When I pulled every bathroom related object into the hallway floor and sorted through it, I found that most of the items there were expired or very near to expiring! Suddenly, I had no need of that shelf. 

Though I do have enough bar soaps and lotion to last through the rest of this year, I suspect. 

Of all the things to stockpile in this world, I chose bathroom supplies. Not food. Oh, no. Come the apocalypse I need to be squeaky clean as opposed to well fed, apparently. 

Ah, but also this weekend has been a huge readathon fest for me. Saturday was a national readathon day and I finished two books then started a third. 

And those books are going onto the donate pile as well. 

Don't be sad, books! It's not a burn pile, I swear! 

I'm keeping only those books that bring me joy to look at and that I know I'll read or reference again in the future. Already it's a big book shaped weight off me and watching that stack of "all read!" grow is motivating me to read more. I own way too many unread books.

However yesterday was, by far, my favorite day this weekend. My father and I went to a pub for a few drinks, lots of random chitchat and a tasty, tasty mussel appetizer. His treat! I love spending time with him. Our talks are worth more than anything material on this whole planet. 

Speaking of material things: 

Today I plan to finish that third book I started. I'm on a space and universe science kick at the moment. So fascinating! 

I also plan to rip out everything from my inside kitchen shelves and cabinets, pile the whole lot up on the floor and sort some more! I know I have several recipe books and bits of dishes that I don't want and if I can streamline my shelving, that'll be grand. 

I know, I know. I'm living it up. Who needs parties and vacations when there is a kitchen to clean? 


But in truth, this is powerfully helpful to my resolution to not purchase. I am constantly being reminded of all the things I already have available to me to occupy my time - books, movies, the out of doors, family and friends. In addition to how much I have already spent my money on and that I'm now booting out of the house as excess clutter. 


Pay Up Time!

What did I buy on day 10, 11, & 12 of my 365 days of No Buy, No Way, No How?

I am proud to report that I have purchased only:
  • Broccoli 
  • Mushrooms
  • Ginger Root
  • Mango Slices
  • Papaya Spears
  • Dark Chocolate Bar
  • Happy Chicky Pasture Raised Eggs
This comes to a whopping total of: 29.03 USD

I also returned some unopened Citadel paints to the store purchased earlier in the month (prior to my resolution enacting). I'll stick with my current Testor paints for my minis. Cringe and wail if you must, people of the interwebs, but I'm not a professional painter and Citadel paints are hella expensive! So I got 21.00 USD back into the checking account. 


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